About Us

The International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology (MILSET – Mouvement International pour le Loisir Scientifique et Technique) is a non-governmental, non-profit and politically independent youth organisation, which aims at developing scientific culture among young people through the organisation of science-and-technology programmes, including science fairs, science camps, congresses and others activities of high quality.

MILSET was created during ESI 87, the first International Science Fair held in Québec in 1987.

Eng. Adel Yousef Almeer

Regional President - MILSET Asia

Mr. Dawood Sulaiman Alahmad

Regional Manager - MILSET Asia

Mr. Ismail Yasein


Ms. Amal Mubarak Albouflasa


Ms. Ümit Karademir


Mr. Piyush Kumar
